Tutorial test Tutorial for working withQGIS softwareVincent Herbreteau, IRD, UMR ESPACE-DEV (vincent.herbreteau@ird.fr) Arnaud Vandecasteele, GeoLab.re (arnaud.vdc@geolab.re) 1Installing and starting QGIS- Downloading and installing QGIS - Starting QGIS - Specifying QGIS options ............2Creating a simple map and discovering the different toolbars- Downloading OpenStreetMap data - Joining a data table to a map ............ 5Composing map layoutsMap composition (layout) is realized in the Layout Composer 3Using vector data- Downloading OpenStreetMap data. - Joining a data table to a map ............4Using raster data- Opening and displaying raster data - Clipping a raster - Changing the projection of a raster ............