Applications Development of Health Information Systems LeptoYangon Author By GeoHealth Team, ClimHealth Project (SCO), ECOMORE2 (AFD) Automated tool to model suitable environments for leptospirosis transmission in Yangon, Myanmar (based on Sentinel-2 satellite) ClimHealth Author By GeoHealth Team, Thai Ministry of Public Health, ClimHealth project (SCO) A prototype health information system to investigate the relations between reported cases of several infectious diseases vs. environmental and climate indicators in Thailand Thai-Myanmar Malaria Transborder Platform (Restricted access) Author By Chamroeun Yorngsok, GeoHealth Team, SMRU, EASIMES project (Global Fund) The Thai-Myanmar Malaria Transborder Platform is developed for SMRU and the Thai Ministry of Public Health in the frame of the EASIMES project EASIMES (Restricted access) Author By Florian Girond, GeoHealth Team, SMRU, EASIMES project (Global Fund) The EASIMES Malaria Information System developed for SMRU in the frame of the EASIMES project ECOMORE2 Climate Platform Author By Ecoclimasol, Models by IRD, ECOMORE 2 project (AFD) It integrates the models developed by the WP Climate coordinated by IRD – Espace-Dev and ENTROPIE with USTH and Cirad: 1- Climate projections up to 2100, 2- Leptospirosis estimated burden… Development of COVID dashboards COVID ECOMORE countries Dashboard Author By Lucas Longour, GeoHealth Team, ECOMORE2 TopUp COVID (AFD) A regional COVID dashboard showing the daily situation in the ECOMORE countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam) COVID Cambodia Dashboard EASIMES (Restricted access) Author By Vincent Herbreteau, GeoHealth Team, ECOMORE2 TopUp COVID (AFD), collaboration with IPC – Virology Unit A fully automated dashboard to update on COVID situation in Cambodia, based on diagnosis at Institut Pasteur du Cambodge Spatial data tools Sen2Extract @ KHEOBS Author By George Ge, KHEOBS Team A web interface to extract times series of indices calculated from Sentinel-2 satellite images (such as NDVI, NDWI, MNDWI, etc.). Sen2Extract @ KHEOBS is processing Sentinel-2 images for South-East Asia. Sen2Extract @ SEAS-OI Author By SEAS-OI & GeoHealth Teams, S2-Malaria project (CNES TOSCA) A web interface to extract times series of indices calculated from Sentinel-2 satellite images (such as NDVI, NDWI, MNDWI, etc.). Sen2Extract @ SEAS-OI is processing Sentinel-2 images for the Western… GeoCambodia Author By YORNGSOK Chamroeun, KHEOBS Team A website to visualize Cambodia then and now, based on the archive of aerial photographs taken by IGN in 1953, and the orthophotos produced by KHEOBS (FEF-R KAPA Project) GeoHealth Tasking Manager Author By Lucas Longour, GeoHealth Team This Tasking Manager has been implemented for the need of health-related research and intervention projects by the GeoHealth Team (IRD, Espace-Dev). Everyone is welcome to contribute to the mapping! KHEOBS TileServer Author By George Ge, KHEOBS Team Visualization of KHEOBS tiles, such as aerial photography, landuse/lancover maps produced for different projects (Using TileServer GL developed by GeoHealth Tiles Author By Lucas Longour, GeoHealth Team Visualization of GeoHealth tiles, such as landuse/lancover maps produced for different projects (R-Shiny interface) KoBoToolbox @ KHEOBS Author By George Ge, KHEOBS Team KoboToolbox instance hosted at the KHEOBS Laboratory. KoboToolbox is a data collection, management, and visualization platform, developed by Kobo RequiredSample Author By Vincent Herbreteau, GeoHealth Team A simple test to find how many samples should be tested to find at least one positive, depending on the expected prevalence. The tool is based on the Poisson distribution… banGeocodeR Author By Jérémy Commins, GeoHealth Team A web interface to easily geocode addresses, based on the French BAN National Address Database. GeoHealth Web Watch Author By GeoHealth Team A Netvibes page with links to Online geographical open databases and scientific journals in the field of geospatial health