The GeoHealth Team conducts research in South-East Asia on the climate, environmental and social factors that drive the spatiotemporal dynamics of diseases to improve modelling and surveillance. The team also develops the use of data from Earth-observation satellites to build environmental monitoring systems that can help health managers to detect early signals and understand health risks.
The team is mainly based at the KHmer Earth OBServation (KHEOBS) Laboratory, a collaboration between the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) and the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) in Phnom Penh with interaction with the Espace-Dev colleagues in Montpellier (Maison de la Télédétection) and at La Réunion (SEAS-OI Station). KHEOBS is a laboratory dedicated to build capacities in remote sensing for environment and climate monitoring.
GeoHealth collaborates closely with several research institutes and health institutions in Cambodia (Cambodian CDC at the Ministry of Health and Institut Pasteur du Cambodge) and Thailand (Ministry of Public Health, Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU), Mahidol University).